25th April 2024
Following consultation on draft guidance in summer 2023, we published guidance on Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods on 25 April. The finalised version takes account of the consultation themes and the independent analysis of responses and is intended to assist planning authorities, communities, businesses and others with key roles in delivering local living.
The guidance presents a Local Living Framework which sits alongside a list of key considerations to support the consideration of how local living and daily needs can be met appropriately in a place. It is designed for consistency with other tools and resources for placemaking and design, including the Place Standard Tool and the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes.
The guidance goes on to introduce a structured approach to the delivery of local living in a Scottish context. This recognises the incremental nature of delivery, the need for a clear understanding of context and the role of the Place Principle to help deliver places that support a good quality of life and balance our environmental impact.
A range of case studies are also presented within the guidance illustrating the implementation of local living across a variety of scales, contexts and geographic locations. These will be supplemented with additional examples on ourplace.scot as good practice emerges.