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What is Digital Planning?

Digital Planning is the Scottish Government's digital transformation of the planning system, working collaboratively towards the introduction of new services and the broader package of planning reform.

Why we are doing this

In 2015 an independent review of the planning system recommended that innovative use of data and technology in the planning system should be explored, and that there is the potential for this to provide significant benefits for the system. Following this the Scottish Government set up a Digital Taskforce to guide and shape a programme of digital transformation. 

The programme will work towards the introduction of new systems and ways of working, designed to facilitate a planning system that is more inclusive, efficient and which supports sustainable economic development both locally and across Scotland.

Strategy publication

Our ambitions and proposed approach to the transformation programme have been set out in Transforming Places Together: Scotland's Digital Strategy for Planning which was launched in November 2020.

This strategy is strongly evidence-based, and its development was supported by an extensive period of user research, horizon scanning, and stakeholder engagement. In addition, we developed a suite of prototypes to illustrate what future services could look like

Programme launch and delivery

Publication of the strategy was followed by the launch of the transformation programme in March 2021.

This signalled the start of a five-year delivery programme where we will work collaboratively to design and deliver new systems, services and ways of working.


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National Planning Framework 4

Read the adopted NPF4 on

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2023