For the first time, in the history of the SAQP, there was a ‘double whammy’ celebration in 2019. ‘Carron Dams Local Nature reserve: A Dam Fine Place’, entered by Falkirk Council, not only won Overall Winner, for 2019, but also the People’s Choice Award.
The Judges were carried away by the creativity of this initiative and the impact this project had on school children – of all ages - as well as on the wider community. Drama, history, sculpture, photography and nature were all choreographed in the outdoor learning space. Plus, in the Team’s own words “behind all the activities that they were able to maximise from the place, the bottom line was all the fun was really education by stealth”. The Judges not only felt that the enthusiasm was infectious but, at its core, the project was embedded within the planning strategy for the area.
SAQP 2019 - Overall Winner - Carron Dams: A Dam Fine Place - YouTube
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2023