For Scotland to have a world leading digital planning system that helps connect people with their places to deliver a prosperous, green and fair countryThe Vision, Transforming Places Together: A Digital Strategy for Planning
Collectively they will enable us to deliver on our vision for Scotland’s planning system.
The five missions outlined in Scotland’s Digital Strategy for Planning were informed by an extensive period of user research, horizon scanning and stakeholder engagement. This highlighted the need for a whole-system approach which encompassed data, technology and ways of working.
Unlock the value of planning data
Our focus on understanding, improving and drawing insight from data signals the importance we place upon this aspect of digital transformation. Unlocking the value of data will be key to realising an open and smart planning system.
Deliver an end-to-end digital planning experience
We will develop new digital services, platforms and tools that will deliver an end-to-end digital planning service experience, using next generation technologies. By focusing on the whole journey through planning, we will be able to develop the interoperability between systems to facilitate a truly digital planning system.
Create the conditions for digital to flourish
We will integrate digital fully into our processes and ways of working, support the development of high quality digital skills in planning and create the conditions for digital transformation to succeed.
Use digital tools to drive collaboration and engagement
We will develop digital tools to support greater digital participation and inclusion in planning, using them to drive collaboration and engagement with people and their places.
Embed a culture of digital innovation
We will embed a culture of digital innovation in planning, securing a long-lasting legacy and allowing the sector to continuously improve and quickly respond to the emergence of new technology.
Each mission is supported by a number of priority actions, and five-year objectives. These define what the programme will deliver in the first two years (immediate actions) as well as across its’ five year lifespan (longer-term objectives).
You can read these in full in Scotland’s Digital Strategy for Planning.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2023